• Testimonials

    Ocean Learning has a great selection of courses to suite all levels of management and team...

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    While I have no wish to push Paul’s rates up, he has been a keynote speaker at the Busin...

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    Paul ran the best training course I have experienced thus far in my career. It was always ...

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  • Testimonials

    Just a note to say that yesterday’s Flagship Training was by far the best and most engag...

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  • Testimonials

    I wanted to thank you for what was a fantastic Innovation Skills training event. Every me...

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  • Testimonials

    Paul Kenny was the first external trainer I had come into contact with as my company had a...

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  • Testimonials

    Negotiation training was a commercial priority when I joined The Mill last year. We chose ...

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Writing To Sell

Writing To Sell - 1 Day

Applicable For: All sales staff


All sales people need to write to their clients to persuade, to summarise or to confirm. However, unlike telephone calls or even face-to-face meetings where the impact of the call is fairly transient, emails and letters tend to be kept for future reference. This means that great written communications will serve as a constant reminder to the client of the quality and value that the sales person and their product offer. However, a badly formed email or letter will do just the opposite.

This course will demonstrate to delegates the different types of written communications that they can use and how to use the written word to create a positive impression in the client’s mind. The course has been designed to deliver the following learning objectives for delegates.

  • To be able to compose persuasive and professional sales letters and emails
  • To understand and apply the appropriate etiquette for emails and other writ ten communications
  • Able to write concisely and persuasively
  • Able to check their emails for accuracy of data and appropriateness of tone
  • Able to ensure that spelling, grammar and layout meet the highest standards of professionalism Key Learning
  • How to define a clear objective for your written communication
  • How to structure letters and emails for maximum impact and persuasion
  • How to choose and use the most persuasive language
  • Copy writing secrets for grabbing and holding attention
  • How to edit your written communications for clarity and persuasion
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