• Testimonials

    Ocean Learning has a great selection of courses to suite all levels of management and team...

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    While I have no wish to push Paul’s rates up, he has been a keynote speaker at the Busin...

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    Paul ran the best training course I have experienced thus far in my career. It was always ...

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    Just a note to say that yesterday’s Flagship Training was by far the best and most engag...

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    I wanted to thank you for what was a fantastic Innovation Skills training event. Every me...

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    Paul Kenny was the first external trainer I had come into contact with as my company had a...

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  • Testimonials

    Negotiation training was a commercial priority when I joined The Mill last year. We chose ...

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Leadership Skills For Managers

Leadership Skills For Managers - 1 Day

Applicable For: Team leaders and managers


The principle function of management is to ensure that the appropriate effort is directed to achieving the team or departments goal. Building and leading an effective team is also one of the most challenging aspects of the job for new managers. Leadership is a position not a job. Managers only become leaders when their staff choose to follow. All managers (especially those newly promoted into their positions) have their leadership tested by staff and are under constant scrutiny by staff peers and their own managers. Knowing how to win the respect of the team and to lead with authority.

This course aims to help managers of all levels to provide the appropriate leadership and to build and maintain high levels of motivation amongst the team. One of the challenges in developing leadership is that the term is very subjective. When a manager is told they must display greater leadership or drive the team more effectively they are rarely given a chance to discuss how or in what form this should take place.

This course will help managers to be more effective leaders, by explaining the related psychological theories in a no nonsense and relevant way. It will also provide them with a structured method, which they can use to analyse themselves and their teams. They will also leave with a personal leadership development plan and strategies for building and driving their team.

Key Learning

  • The role of the manager
  • Defining leadership
  • Activities of an action centred leader
  • Behaviour patterns of leadership
  • Understanding “the constant camera effect” and how people perceive their leaders
  • Situational leadership and other popular models for working out how to adopt an appropriate leadership style
  • The 7 tests of leadership
  • Creating a personal leadership development plan
management logoteam building the role of the manager
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